Lonesome Pine

office on youth


What is CASA?

CASA programs train community volunteers to become advocates for children who are the subjects of juvenile court proceedings involving abuse and neglect allegations. These volunteers then advocate for the best interest of the children they are assigned with the goal of providing each child with a safe, permanent home where they can thrive.

Child Abuse and Neglect in Virginia

Child abuse and neglect continues to be a horrific reality for many of Virginia’s most vulnerable citizens.

1. Last year, 29 children died from abuse and neglect; and of these, 22 were under the age of 4.

2. Over 4,000 children live in foster care in Virginia.

3. 6,205 children were subjects of founded complaints of abuse and neglect in FY2013.

How CASA Helps

Once a child has come to the attention of the juvenile court system, the judge can appoint CASA to the case. CASA volunteers make a difference in the outcomes for children through the submission of fact-based court reports with thoughtful recommendations based on the best interest of the child. With a CASA volunteer, a child is half as likely to languish in the foster care system and that much more likely to find a safe permanent home.

How You Can Help

1. Become a Volunteer Advocate with your local LPOY-CASA Program.
2. Contribute financially to your local LPOY-CASA Program.

For More Information
Teresa Collier, LPOY-CASA Coordinator
Phone: 276-523-5064 ext. 24
Email: [email protected]