Lonesome Pine
office on youth

Wise County/City of Norton Imagination Library
Lonesome Pine Office on Youth is proud to be an affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Our program, Wise County / City of Norton Imagination Library serves any child under age 5 who lives in Wise County or the City of Norton.
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a program designed to increase the number of parents who read to their children and improve early childhood literacy. The program provides one age-appropriate book per month to children from birth to age five. All children under age 5, residing in Wise County and the City of Norton are eligible to register for the program, regardless of income. They will continue to receive books until their 5th birthday or move out of Wise County or the City of Norton.
This program is provided at no cost to the parents or guardians of the children so that no child can be denied the opportunity to participate.
For more information or to register your child, contact Glenda Collins at [email protected] , 276-523-5064 ext 1 or go to www.imaginationlibrary.com